If there is someone in your hall with the last name Quinn, wouldn't it be natural that you call him "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman"?
Why does my History professor think he is so hilarious when no one else thinks so? Where does he get these preposterous ideas? This seems like something that would be stifled during childhood.
If your room has 5 enormous Beatles posters on the walls and someone walks in and asks "So...do you like the Beatles?", is it OK to hurl things at them?
If someone brings a girl to guy's poker night, how many days should you shun them?
If your roommate uses every sentence to comment on how perfect his girlfriend is, at what point can you start stealing his stuff?
If you have a 3 page paper to write, should you be blogging?
If you forget all of your ankle-high socks at home and only have ones that stretch 3/4 up your shins, do you wear them and risk looking like a loser or do you just go without socks?
If you have 5 posters on your wall but your roommate still has none, at what point can you officially conclude that he is a weirdo?
Why did 5 people in our hall decide that this weekend would be the time to bring some Double-Stuf Oreo's? I'm not complaining or anything, but it was a little freaky.
Why do we have to have a land line phone in our room? It seems useless.
If you are a Calculas professor and you lost one of your hands in an accident a few years back but had it reattached, should you share this with your class? Or should you just keep it to yourself because it may be all that the class is able to focus on from now on?
Why does every girl know how to iron clothing? Again, I'm not complaining.
If someone in your hall brings a large plant to school and names it, should you be friends with this person? Should you be friends with the plant?
If you keep a large jar of Starburst on your desk, are you just asking me to eat them all?
If your roommate calls everyone his "best friend", including a Dell operator from the Philippines by the name of Nim.....I don't even have a question here.