Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Random Thoughts III

-Songs I Am Listening To Over And Over:

- "Dance Tonight" by Paul McCartney
- "Point of Know Return" - by Kansas
- "Get Back" - by The Beatles (Currently my favorite song. Tell your friends)

- I got my hair cut today. I realized that I always think I look my best in the mirror while getting my hair cut. It's not even about the hair. I just look better there. Am I losing my mind? Possibly.

- You know the song, "You like potato and I like potahto, You like tomato and I like tomahto. · Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto, Let's call the whole thing off"? I was thinking about it the other day and thought, "Wait.....who says 'tomahto'?" Nobody. My point: ...not sure I have one.

- If I went back in time to the 1970's and showed everyone "That 70's Show" do you think it would be funny? I thought about this for a good lenth of time and am completely stumped.

The Sweet Tea Scale:
- McDonalds: the sweetest of sweet tea. Plus 32 oz is only $1. However, if the sweet tea container is behind the counter and the employees fill your cup for you, beware, as it is often not so good.
-Chick-fil-A: a close second, only because it has a stronger "tea" taste. Plus it costs way more than Mickey D's.
-Dunkin's: Inexplicably not good. Hard to explain. On a scale where "super sweet" is a 10 and "unsweet" is a 0, Dunk's is like a 3.
-HoneyDew: Lacks...oh, what's the word...oh yeah, sugar. Avoid it. I learned this today, which propted this paragraph. On the above mentioned scale, it would be a -7.


H.M. said...

I like this one =] I agree with the tomahto thing too...

Anonymous said...

Dunkin Donuts is hell.
Satan works there and jizzes in the iced tea