Sunday, June 28, 2009

Random Thoughts I

Welcome to our first installment of Random Thoughts. Random thoughts are things that I usually have quite often but only rarely write down.

- Whenever I tried to refer to Michael Jackson by a nickname in the past few days, I kept using ones that were already attributed to Michael Jordan. Though it would seem that Michael Jackson could've gone by just "Michael", saying it makes me think Jordan. I also tried MJ in my head a few times, but that one is already attributed to, well, MJ. His official nickname was, I guess, "The King of Pop", but it's a bit too lengthy to just drop in conversation.

- Item #493 on the list of "Things That Really Bug The Crap Out Of Me But Not So Much That I'd Say They 'Piss Me Off'": When someone posts something really long on YouTube in multiple segments (for example, an installment of "The Beatles Anthology") but one or more of the segments is completely missing. If it's 2:30 in the morning, and I'm trying to watch "The Beatles Anthology: Part 7" on my iTouch and "Segment 5 of 10" is simply not there, well that's just unacceptable. Where is it? Did this one 10-minute portion get taken down from the internet? Did you just skip it, decide "nah, this next ten minutes is a little boring" and leave it out? What could possibly be the reason for this? And a special shout-out to YouTuber "garrysguitar", who posted a great couple videos on how to play "Here Comes The Sun", but decided that it would be better not to include "Part 1 of 3" and to just go with the second two. Thanks, garrysguitar.

- What do you do in scenario where you are texting with someone, but the textversation (just made that word up) gets really boring, no one's really saying anything, and you just want to end it. I do one of two things: Usually, I'll say "hey i gtg, ill ttyl tho" and get back a "k" and that's the end of it. That's easy, but almost always a lie. I don't have to go anywhere, no one is making me put the phone away. I just don't want to text you anymore. The only other way to get out of a textversation gone boring is to just stop replying. However, whenever I do this I end up feeling really bad because, well, I've been on the other end of that (who hasn't) and it ain't fun. So what should you do to cordially end a convo?

- I have been to 3 (three) concerts in my life. Three. And they aren't even braggable concerts either. I saw Toby Keith when I was like 12 (featuring an up-and-coming Rascal Flatts as the opening act), and then fellow country star Phil Vassar like the next year. After those, I went to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra last December with a friend of mine, which was absolutely phenomenal, even though (or maybe because) I had no idea what to expect. BUT next month, Gillete Stadium, I am going to see Elton John/Billy Joel, two of my top 5 favorite artists of all time together on the same stage. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! (RIP Billy Mays. I have never used Oxy-Clean). I bought two tickets last night to see Sir Paul McCartney at Fenway Park in August. Yes, THE Paul McCartney. He of my favorite band of all time. I can't even put into words how excited I am. The only concert that I would be more excited for would be all 4 Beatles at Fenway Park. That's it. Seriously, I just thought about it, and if I had to choose 3 concerts to see, it'd be The Beatles (or A Beatle), U2, and Elton John. And I'm hitting up 2 of the 3! In the span of 19 days! I can't stand it! While we're here, quick sidenote, my favorite Paul McCartney was the one with the beard, featured here in the Beatles' rooftop concert in 1969. "Get back, Loretta!"

- One of my favorite shows on television (redundant) is "The Soup" (Fridays @ 10 on E!). It's by far one of the funniest shows I've ever watched, mostly because of the charm and charisma of host Joel McHale, seen here looking like he's contemplating leaning in to kiss me. Whatever. Whether the written joke is very clever and funny (usually) or just stupid and silly (often), McHale pulls it off with ease and makes you laugh anyway. Or, if not laugh, at least enjoy every minute of it. He seems like someone who would be the life of the party without really realizing it, if that makes sense. In contrast, one of my least favorite shows on television (agian, redundant) is Comedy Central's new "Tosh.O", hosted by a guy named Daniel Tosh. One of my friends introduced me to Tosh a few months ago, calling him the funniest guy he'd ever seen. So I looked him up. Too say the least, I was pretty disappointed. Maybe it's just my style, but I'd much rather see witty, clever comedy than comedy that is sloppy and gets laughs for being rude. When I learned that Tosh, seen here saying something unfunny, was getting his own show, I was neither interested nor all that surprised. What I saw when I stumbled upon an episode of Tosh.O the other day looked like "The Soup" only if you took out the "funny" and "charisma" and replaced it with "uncomfortable" and "overrated". If Joel McHale is someone I would want to bring to a party, Daniel Tosh is someone I would hope was only there delivering the pizza.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Letter to Brett Favre

Dear Mr. Favre (or Brett. Can I call you Brett? K)

As I'm sure you are well aware, you are one of the greatest football players of all time. You are definitely among the top 5 quarterbacks who have ever played the game. You have started every single NFL game you've played since Week 4 in 1992, when I was still getting used to walking. That's 291 games, including playoffs. You were the first player to win three (3) MVP awards. You hold the records for touchdowns thrown (464) and passing yards (65,127). We get it. You've been really, really good.

You also graduated first in your class from the "Roger Clemens School of Retirement". Roger, as I'm sure you remember, retired with the Yankees after the 2003 season, relishing a season full of farewells, standing ovations, and SportsCenter montages, only to un-retire after 2 months, joining the Houston Astros. After 2 seasons, Clemens announced once again that he was retiring. He then un-retired yet again ("un-retired" is such a strange word. Just say it out loud. Un-retired), playing 2006 with Houston and 2007 with the Yankees again.

Now, Brett, remember March 2008? That press conference where you announced your retirement? Yes, the one where you cried. Remember that? Cuz I sure do! Oh, you couldn't hear enough about it! They should have renamed SportsCenter, "The Show Where We Make Our Own News About Brett Favre And Still Call It Breaking News, Totally Defeating The Purpose Of The Term 'Breaking News' Show!". Speaking as someone who only wanted to catch a few baseball highlights, this new hour-long Favre special every morning was awfully annoying.
Needless to say, I was glad when this Favre-mania died down. About 3 months later, just when I was getting used to regular, Favre-fee SportsCenter, you contacted the Packers about a possible return.

Thanks. Thanks for that.

To sum up the rest, FavreCenter spent the rest of the summer making Breaking News about you, you un-retired, joined the New York Jets, and retired again, again receiving loads of emotional farewells. Now, the Vikings are making news by expressing interest in you, and, yesterday, you made an announcement that essentially killed any enjoyment I'll get out of ESPN this summer: that you are still interested in playing, and the Vikings are a probable destination.

Brett, I'm begging you. Dont' do this to me. I can't take it. I can't take another summer of Favre-watch. I can't take more made up news from Ed Werder. I can't take another season where you are, win or lose, the opener on FavreCenter. I need a break. So please...please...

Go away.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Why I Really Suck At Blogging

I suck at this.

I do! I just suck at blogging! It has been, ready for this, THREE WEEKS since I updated it at all. THREE FREAKIN' WEEKS. Good heavens.

I have done some deep thinking (no worries, I'm ok. I sat down first) and thought of some reasons as to why I may not be set out to be a contributing member of the blogosphere.
  1. I forget about it. I'll admit it. And I almost have a good excuse for forgetting about it: I don't have a computer. My computer in my room doesn't have an internet connection. This is mainly because my parents believe that I would have difficulty paying attention to anything else if I did (to which I reply that, 1) it's summer. what do I have worth paying attention to? and 2) i don't pay attention to anything anyway, so the point is pretty moot). In addition, the family computer, which I am currently typing on, is turned off most of the time, and, when it IS turned on, it's extremely EXTREMELY slow. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure my Dad might have fixed it a while back, but I've developed an unsolveable hatred for it. My mom has a laptop that I could use, but it too is mostly turned off and turning it on takes too much time and, you know...I'm just...I'm really...
  2. Lazy. I am. Your average person, someone like you, would say "You know what? I should update my blog! This computer is off but will only take, say, 5 minutes to turn on. I will do that!". However, my line of thinking usually follows this pattern: "You know what? I should update my blog!" This computer is off, I'll go sit on the couch and watch 'The Daily Show' and contemplate my own pathetic existence". And then I go do that.
  3. I try too hard. In the past three weeks, I have sat down at least 5 times (hold your applause, let me finish the sentence) in front of an internet-compatible computer, signed in to Blogger, and opened up my blog with the intent to update it. 3 times I started actual drafts of posts. 0 (zero) times I published a post. This is because I try wayyy too hard. I always end up sitting here with a half-written draft in front of me, then getting frustrated and walking away. I can't get past focusing on the people who will be reading this. Part of me thinks that anyone who reads any of this will think I'm an idiot. The other part of me reassures myself that anyone who is willing to read this already knows that I'm an idiot. I spend too much time thinking and not enough time just letting it flow, which sounds like something I should see a doctor about.
  4. There's always something better to do. This can not possibly be the case every time, but it seems that way in my head, especially when you weigh in the other factors I've already mentioned. Right now, my options were a) update my blog with the Sox on in the background, or b) watch television with my family, or c) sit and literally do nothing. And as fun as all those sound...good god, my life is boring at the moment. Tell me again when college starts?

I feel like this may be the beginning of good things. Maybe, just maybe, I will update this more than once every three weeks.

Maybe. Hopefully.
